Strength Training
A Customized training program will be developed for individuals who want to change or challenge their current fitness levels and Goals.
The Fitness Lounge focuses on a strategically developed Strength Training program to help take you out of your comfort level. The challenges in the program are designed to effectively make you fitter, stronger,leaner and more confident. Transforming not only your physical state but your mental state as well.
As a fitness professional, practitioner and Self-Transformer, my goal is to teach and guide you to appreciate the real benefits of fitness and how to apply it everyday in your life.
Group Training ranges from Calisthenic Body Weight Training, MMA Conditioning/KickBoxing, to Strength & Conditioning and yes, we even like to throw in some Power Yoga moves to sweeten the variety.
The assistance of modalities and equipment will also be available to modify and/or challenge particular movements.

Home Training

You will get the same customized Training Program provided to you in the comfort of your home or facility. You can be sure that you will be fully satisfied with a home program designed to challange you to a higher fitness level and to help meet your needs and goals.

Survivor Strong Warrior Wellness
A Holistic Transformation Program
In developing this program I was undergoing treatments for Breast Cancer… when it dawned on me….why not build upon my experience in the health and wellness field…
by constructing a program for survivorship!
As a fitness and wellness guru for many years…. I had some great ideas on ways I could nutritionally detox… and challenge my body so that I could recover quickly after treatments and from its side affects. It then became a way of life for me as I grew stronger, healthier and more confident in the transformation of my physical and mental well being.
However.....Survivor Strong Wellness Warrior is not just about the physical exercise or diet guidance or even about illnesses. Its about pushing through the mental challenges that prevent our bodies from developing that physical change we are looking to successfully accomplish. While....at the same time creating a healthy internal power to supplement our ability to practice as a life long goal.
This Transformation Program is not limited to just Cancer Survivors....It is designed to safely challenge and motivate anyone struggling with obesity, depression, debilitating illnesses, injuries, mental and emotional functions, or anything that may prevent one from successfully achieving a complete and healthy transformation.
Built on an Integrated Training program to address an individuals functional and structural capacity. This approach will combine all the components necessary to help achieve optimum performance in your daily life.
Progression is the focus as you will be monitored and instructed to successfully challenge your mind and body in ways you never thought possible.

Integrated Training Programs
All Levels & All ages
Core Strength


Flexibility Balance & Corrective Exercise

Strength Endurance & Performance
Train & Condition to be at the top of your Sport

Kickboxing Training & Conditioning
Fight Smart Learn
Self Defense Techniques

Donna's Fitness Lounge
Certified Wellness Professional
Private Training Location
Bedford Road
Pleasantville, New York
Tel: 914.450.0722